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Mathematics - Page 27

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Graph Theory: Favorite Conjectures and Open Problems - 2
This second volume in a two-volume series provides an extensive collection of conjectures and open p...
Great Circle of Mysteries: Mathematics, the World, the Mind
This visionary and engaging book provides a mathematical perspective on the fundamental ideas of num...
Metrics, Norms, Inner Products, and Operator Theory
This text is a self-contained introduction to the three main families that we encounter in analysis...
Spherical Sampling
This book presents, in a consistent and unified overview, results and developments in the field of t...
€80.00 -34%
An Introduction to the Language of Mathematics
This is a textbook for an undergraduate mathematics major transition course from technique-based mat...
Ramanujan Summation of Divergent Series
The aim of this monograph is to give a detailed exposition of the summation method that Ramanujan us...
A Concise Introduction to Measure Theory
This undergraduate textbook offers a self-contained and concise introduction to measure theory and i...
Open Problems in Mathematics
The goal in putting together this unique compilation was to present the current status of the soluti...
Mathematical Finance: Theory Review and Exercises, From Binomial Model to Risk Measures
The book collects over 120 exercises on different subjects of Mathematical Finance, including Option...
A Visual Introduction to Differential Forms and Calculus on Manifolds
This book explains and helps readers to develop geometric intuition as it relates to differential fo...
Introduction to Mathematical Structures and Proofs
As a student moves from basic calculus courses into upper-division courses in linear and abstract al...
Methods of Solving Number Theory Problems
Through its engaging and unusual problems, this book demonstrates methods of reasoning necessary for...
Introduction to Smooth Manifolds
This book is an introductory graduate-level textbook on the theory of smooth manifolds. Its goal is...
This text introduces cryptography, from its earliest roots to cryptosystems used today for secure on...
The Real Numbers and Real Analysis
This text is a rigorous, detailed introduction to real analysis that presents the fundamentals with...


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