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Asmussen Soren

Søren Asmussen obtained his PhD at the University of Copenhagen in 1978, followed by the Danish degree of Dr. scient. in 1982. He held academic positions at the University of Copenhagen before moving to Aalborg University in 1987, where he received one of the prestigious Danish research professorships in 1990. In 1995, he became Professor of Mathematical Statistics at Lund University in Sweden, and then moved to his current position as Professor of Applied Probability at Aarhus University in Denmark in 2003. He received the Marcel F. Neuts Applied Probability Prize in 1999, the INFORMS Outstanding Publication Prizes in Simulation in 2002 and 2008, the John von Neumann Theory Prize in 2010, and the gold medal "For Great Contributions in Mathematics" from the Sobolev Institute of Mathematics, Russian Academy of Sciences in 2011.

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