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Beggs Edwin

Edwin J. Beggs(Department of Mathematics, Swansea University, Swansea, UK)  studied mathematics at Churchill college Cambridge, moving to St Catherine’s college Oxford to study for a DPhil under the supervision of Graeme Segal, finishing in 1988. He became a research assistant working with David Evans on operator algebras (giving a formula for the real rank of matrix valued functions) in Swansea and was appointed to a lectureship there. He has worked with Peter Johnson, finding the inverse scattering method for solitons in affine Toda field theory. He has worked with various coauthors on noncommutative differential geometry, introducing noncommutative sheaf theory, noncommutative complex structures and bar categories as well as working on bimodule connections and quantum Riemannian geometry. He also works on physics and computation in computer science.

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Quantum Riemannian Geometry
This book provides a comprehensive account of a modern generalisation of differential geometry in wh...


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