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Chakrabarty Siddhartha Pratim

Siddhartha Pratim Chakrabarty is Professor at the Department of Mathematics, Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, Assam, India. With a long and varied experience of teaching and undertaking research work in a wide spectrum of subareas of finance, including financial engineering, mathematical finance, computational finance, Monte–Carlo simulation, portfolio theory and financial risk management, he has offered two Massive Online Open Course (MOOC) courses through the National Program for Technology Enhanced Learning (NPTEL), on mathematical finance and mathematical portfolio theory. Professor Chakrabarty is very passionate about undergraduate research, which has led to several publications with his undergraduate students, many of whom have gone on to secure prestigious positions in academia, data science, entrepreneurship and investment banking. In 2020, he was a recipient of the Scholarship Scheme for Faculty Members from Academic Institutions 2020 by the Reserve Bank of India. A very active in professional services and outreach activities, Prof. Chakrabarty has supervised four Ph.D. students and published 46 research articles.

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Mathematical Portfolio Theory and Analysis
Designed as a self-contained text, this book covers a wide spectrum of topics on portfolio theory. I...
€58.30 -49%


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