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Djukic Dusan

Dusan Djukic is an expert in number theory and took part in 3 IMOs. He won 2 silver medals and 1 gold. He has also participates in 2 Balkan IMOs and medaled in each.

Ivan Matic's area of research is partial differential equations and won a silver medal at the 1999 IMO along with a number of awards in other competitions.

Vladimir Jankovic's areas of study are extreme problems in optimal control. He was awarded 2 silver medals at the IMOs in 1969 and 1970 and has been the main gatekeeper for the shortlist problems from IMOs of years past.

Nikola Petrovic took part in 3 IMOs and 2 Balkan IMOs and has been awarded silver and bronze medals.

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The IMO Compendium: A Collection of Problems Suggested for the International Mathematical Olympiads
The IMO Compendium is the ultimate collection of challenging high school level mathematics problems....


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