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Huddy Leonie

Leonie Huddy is a Distinguished Professor and Chair of the Department of Political Science at Stony Brook University. She served as co-editor of the journal Political Psychology from 2005 till 2010, is past-president of the International Society of Political Psychology (ISPP), serves on the American National Election Studies Board, appears regularly on CSB Radio as an exit poll analyst, and serves on numerous editorial boards in political science. Huddy has written extensively on social and political identities, emotions, reactions to terrorism, gender and politics, and race relations. She is the co-author of Going to War in Iraq: When Citizens and the Press Matter (2015, with Stanley Feldman and George Marcus). 

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The Oxford Handbook of Political Psychology
Political psychology applies what is known about human psychology to the study of politics. It exami...
€54.50 -10%


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