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Kalyvas Stathis

Stathis N. Kalyvas is Arnold Wolfers Professor of Political Science and Director of the Program on Order, Conflict, and Violence. He is the author of The Logic of Violence in Civil War and The Rise of Christian Democracy in Europe, and the co-editor of Order, Conflict & Violence. He has received several awards, including the Woodrow Wilson Award for best book on government, politics, or international affairs, the Luebbert Award for best book in comparative politics.

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From Stagnation to Forced Adjustment: Reforms in Greece, 1974-2010
Ever since Greece’s 1974 transition to democracy there has been constant talk of reforms. Major chan...
€32.00 -10%
Modern Greece: What Everyone Needs to Know
When Greece's economic troubles began to threaten the stability of the European Union in 2010, the n...
€15.40 -10%


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