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Liakos Antonis

Antonis Liakos is Professor Emeritus as the University of Athens, where he taught contemporary history, as well as theory of history. He was chair of the International Commission of History and Theory (2010-2015), editor of Historein, co-founder of the Department of History and Archaeology of the University of Thessaly, and author of numerous books, including The Greek Twentieth Century (Polis 2020 – in Greek) and the prize-winning book Apocalypse: Utopia and Historical knowledge (Polis 2011 – in Greek). He is now completing a book on the formation of a canon of history in world historiography.

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The Edinburgh History of the Greeks, 20th and Early 21st Centuries: Global Perspectives
A new and innovative account of modern Greek history covering the last 100 years Draws on recen...
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