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Majid Shahn

Shahn Majid(School of Mathematical Sciences, Queen Mary University of London, London, UK) graduated from Cambridge, including Part III of the mathematics tripos, followed by a PhD at Harvard in 1988. After a year in Swansea, he spent ten years in DAMTP in Cambridge before moving to Queen Mary. He was one of the pioneers of the modern theory of Hopf algebras or quantum groups, introducing in his PhD thesis one of the two main classes at the time, the bicrossproduct ones associated to Lie group factorisations. Other results include the earliest models of quantum spacetime with quantum symmetry, the theory of Hopf algebras in braided categories and the dual/centre of a monoidal category. He was one of the coauthors of the theory of quantum principal bundles and introduced a frame bundle approach to quantum Riemannian geometry. In recent years he has been working on the bimodule approach with a view to quantum gravity.

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Quantum Riemannian Geometry
This book provides a comprehensive account of a modern generalisation of differential geometry in wh...


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