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Moller Violet

Violet Moller is a historian and writer who lives near Oxford with her husband and their three children. In November 2017, The Map of Knowledge won the Royal Society for Literature Jerwood Prize for Non-fiction. Violet has also written three books for the Bodleian Library: The Curious World of Dickens (co-authored with Clive Hurst), Oxford in Quotations and Bodleianalia (with Clare Cock-Starkey).

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Inside the Stargazer's Palace: The Transformation of Science in 16th-Century Northern Europe
Enter the mysterious world of sixteenth-century science, where astronomers and alchemists shared lab...
€34.90 -10%
The Map of Knowledge: How Classical Ideas Were Lost and Found: A History in Seven Cities
'A lovely debut from a gifted young author. Violet Moller brings to life the ways in which knowledge...
€15.40 -10%


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