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Narkiewicz Wladyslaw

Wladyslaw Narkiewicz is a Polish mathematician who is particularly active in the fields of (analytic) number theory, algebra and the history of mathematics. He received his PhD in 1961 and his habilitation in 1967 at the University of Wroclaw, where he also taught from 1974 to 2006 as a full professor. He is the author of several Springer books, among which the “Rational Number Theory in the 20th Century” and “The Development of Prime Number Theory”.  Narkiewicz held during his career various administrative functions at the University of Wroclaw, including Deputy Head of the Mathematical Institute, Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics and Vice Rector for Scientific Affairs. In 1968 he was awarded the Stefan Banach Prize.

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Rational Number Theory in the 20th Century: From PNT to FLT
The last one hundred years have seen many important achievements in the classical part of number the...


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