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Ong Simon Alexander

Simon Alexander Ong is a personal development entrepreneur, coach and public speaker. His clients are from all walks of life but they share one trait; they all believe that the greatest investment you can make is in yourself. His work has seen him invited onto Sky News, BBC Radio London and LBC Radio to be interviewed, while in 2018, Barclays UK featured him in a nationwide campaign asking him questions on how families could embrace better lifestyle habits. His insights have seen him featured in HuffPost, Forbes, Virgin and the Guardian. Simon regularly speaks at organisations and keynotes public events and conferences. Some of these have included The Peter Jones Foundation, The World Business & Executive Coach Summit 2020 and the LSE. Simon is of Chinese origin and is based in London with his wife, Laurie, and daughter, Sienna.

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Energize: Find Your Spark, Achieve More and Live Better
'This book is exactly what we need in this moment. With so many pulls and strains and stresses, Simo...
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