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Pennicotte-Collier Natalie

Natalie Pennicotte-Collier is both a sleep expert and clinical therapist. Over the past decade, she has pioneered a mind-body approach to enhance sleep, performance and well-being. Drawing on the latest research on the nervous system and the power of the mind, she has transformed sleep health in elite sport, the workplace and the NHS, working alongside GPs in the community. As well as this, she has delivered full-scale sleep solutions for Ebay, Atomico, Investigo, is the Premier Inn's resident sleep expert and collaborates with the nation's favourite sleep brands, including Royal Warrant Hypnos Beds. In an increasingly noisy and unpredictable world, Natalie believes it is time that we all woke up to our true sleep health potential.

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Sleep Reset: The New Tools of Rest & Recovery
'Natalie's holistic five-week sleep programme is life-changing' – Chloe Brotheridge, author of The A...
€23.80 -10%


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