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Phillips Adam

Adam Phillips, formerly Principal Child Psychotherapist at Charing Cross Hospital, London, is a practising psychoanalyst and a visiting professor in the English department at the University of York. He is the author of numerous works of psychoanalysis and literary criticism, including most recently On Wanting to Change, Attention SeekingIn WritingUnforbidden Pleasures and Missing Out. He is General Editor of the Penguin Modern Classics Freud translations, and a Fellow of The Royal Society of Literature.

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Second Chances: Shakespeare and Freud
A powerful exploration of the human capacity for renewal, as seen through Shakespeare and Freud In t...
€26.80 -10%
On Giving Up: What Must We Give Up to Feel More Alive?
From acclaimed psychoanalyst Adam Phillips, a meditation on what we must give up to feel more alive....
€26.60 -10%


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