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Rady Martyn

Martyn Rady is Masaryk Professor of Central European History at University College London. He has written several major works on the history of Hungary, from the medieval period to the twentieth century, but has also written on topics as diverse as the Hussites, vampirism and the Emperor Charles V. He has honorary doctorates from the Károli University in Budapest and the Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu in Romania.

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The Middle Kingdoms: A New History of Central Europe
'Fascinating, masterful ... gems scattered throughout the book' Peter Frankopan, Spectator'Quirkily...
€23.80 -10%
The Habsburgs: The Rise and Fall of a World Power
'This is probably the best book ever written on the Habsburgs in any language, certainly the best I...
€18.60 -10%
The Habsburg Empire: A Very Short Introduction
The Habsburgs are the most famous dynasty in continental Europe. From the thirteenth to the twentiet...


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