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Russell Bertrand

Bertrand Russell (1872-1970). A celebrated mathematician and logician, Russell was and remains one of the most genuinely widely read and popular philosophers of modern times.

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5 products
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The Analysis of Matter
The Analysis of Matter is the product of thirty years of thinking by one of the twentieth century's...
€25.90 -10%
The Analysis of Mind
Bertrand Russell wrote The Analysis of Mind during one of the most turbulent periods of his life. He...
€24.40 -10%
An Essay on the Foundations of Geometry
An Essay on the Foundations of Geometry was first published in 1897 when Bertrand Russell was 25 yea...
€24.50 -10%
Introduction to Mathematical Philosophy
"The philosophy of mathematics will naturally be expected to deal with questions at the frontier of...
€24.50 -10%
The Impact of Science on Society
Many of the revolutionary effects of science and technology are obvious enough. Bertrand Russell saw...
€23.00 -10%


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