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Sanderson Catherine

Catherine A. Sanderson is the Manwell Family Professor in Life Sciences at Amherst College. Her research examines how social norms and their misperception influence health-related behaviour on campus, including safe sex and disordered eating. An experienced speaker, Dr. Sanderson gives talks on the science of happiness and the psychology of good and evil to groups and businesses around the country. She has been chosen by Princeton Review as one of America’s Best Professors and is the author of The Positive Shift: Mastering Mindset to Improve Happiness, Health, and Longevity. She has published dozens of articles and written widely read high school and college text books, including Psychology in Action and Real World Psychology. Her work has been featured in the Atlantic and Washington Post and on CBS and CNN.

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The Bystander Effect: The Psychology of Courage and How to be Brave
In the face of discrimination, bad behaviour, evil and abuse, why do good people so often do nothing...
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