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Scheel David

David Scheel, Professor of Marine Biology at Alaska Pacific University, has researched the behaviour and ecology of octopuses for more than 25 years. His discoveries include a previously unnoticed species of large octopus and a common signal use among octopuses living in unusual densities. He starred, with Heidi the Octopus and his daughter Laurel, in the BBC documentary ‘The Octopus in My House’.

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Many Things Under a Rock: The Mysteries of Octopuses
‘Scheel brings the world of the octopus vividly alive. The best nature books do not just describe an...
€14.90 -9%
Many Things Under a Rock: The Mysteries of Octopuses
What is it like to be an octopus?The octopus is a highly intelligent and deeply mysterious creature....
€22.80 -10%


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