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Shute Joe

Joe Shute is an author and journalist with a passion for the natural world. He writes features for The Daily Telegraph and is the newspaper’s long-standing Saturday ‘Weather Watch’ columnist. He is currently a post-graduate researcher funded by the Leverhulme Unit for the Design of Cities of the Future (LUDeC) at Manchester Metropolitan University. Joe previously worked as a trainee journalist on the Halifax Evening Courier and the Yorkshire Post as its crime correspondent. His other books include Forecast: A Diary of the Lost Seasons and A Shadow Above: The Fall and Rise of the Raven. He lives in Sheffield with his wife (and rats). @JoeShute

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Stowaway: The Disreputable Exploits of the Rat
A cultural and social history of the rat, examining how one creature achieved total world domination...
€26.60 -10%


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