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Yang Dali

Dali L. Yang (Ph.D. 1993, Princeton) is the William C. Reavis Professor of Political Science at the University of Chicago. He has been a faculty member at the university since 1992. Yang's research primarily focuses on China's development, governance, and global influence. He has authored several notable books, including Calamity and Reform in China (Stanford, 1996) and Remaking the Chinese Leviathan (Stanford, 2004). In addition to his academic accomplishments, Yang has held various leadership positions at the University of Chicago. He was the founding Faculty Director of the Center in Beijing, chair of the Department of Political Science, and Senior Advisor on Global Initiatives.

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Wuhan: How the COVID-19 Outbreak in China Spiraled Out of Control
The definitive account of the Chinese government's response to the initial Covid-19 outbreak in Wuha...
€37.70 -10%


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