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History of Science - Page 31

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Ancient Science Through the Golden Age of Greece
Although science did not begin in ancient Greece (millennia of work in Egypt, Mesopotamia, and other...
€25.00 -10%
The Metaphysical Foundations of Modern Science
To the medieval thinker, man was the center of creation and all of nature existed purely for his ben...
€21.00 -10%
Astronomy and Astrology in the Islamic World
It was the astronomers and mathematicians of the Islamic world who provided the theories and concept...
€40.20 -10%
The Cambridge Companion to Newton
Sir Isaac Newton (1642–1727) was one of the greatest scientists of all time, a thinker of extraordin...
€37.60 -10%
A History of Optics from Greek Antiquity to the Nineteenth Century
This book is a long-term history of optics, from early Greek theories of vision to the nineteenth-ce...
€34.10 -10%
A History of Science in World Cultures: Voices of Knowledge
To understand modern science, it is essential to recognize that many of the most fundamental scienti...
€46.80 -10%
Schrodinger: Life and Thought
Erwin Schrodinger was a brilliant and charming Austrian, a great scientist, and a man with a passion...
€20.50 -20%
Book on Games of Chance: The 16th Century Treatise on Probability
Mathematics was only one area of interest for Gerolamo Cardano ¯ the sixteenth-century astrologer, p...
€9.50 -10%
Numbers: Histories, Mysteries, Theories
Posing the question "What exactly is a number?" a distinguished German mathematician presents this i...
€13.70 -10%
A Long Way from Euclid
Mathematics has come a long way indeed in the last 2,000 years, and this guide to modern mathematics...
€11.90 -10%
The Works of Archimedes
The complete works of antiquity's great geometer appear here in a highly accessible English translat...
The Thirteen Books of the Elements, Volume 1 (Books I and II)
Volume 1 of 3-volume set containing complete English text of all 13 books of the Elements plus criti...
The Abyss of Time: Changing Conceptions of the Earth's Antiquity Aft
Accessible, entertaining work addresses Earth's age as it explores the work of Hooke, Buffon, Lyell,...
€7.00 -10%
Planck: Driven by Vision, Broken by war
Planck's Law, an equation used by physicists to determine the radiation leaking from any object in t...
€32.00 -10%
The Physicist and the Philosopher: Einstein, Bergson, and the Debate That Changed Our Understanding of T
On April 6, 1922, in Paris, Albert Einstein and Henri Bergson publicly debated the nature of time. E...
€37.00 -10%


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