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118 Inequalities for Mathematics Competitions

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This book would certainly help Olympiad students who wish to prepare for the study of inequalities, a topic now of frequent use at various competitive levels. The authors hope the book will be a source of inspiration for proving algebraic inequalities and some of their newfound applications.

The book features selected techniques in the field. Inequalities from each section are ordered increasingly by the number of variables and the degree of difficulty. Each problem has at least one complete solution, and many problems have multiple solutions, useful in developing the necessary array of mathematical machinery for competitions.

Authors: Andreescu Titu, Stanean Marius
Publisher: XYZ PRESS
Pages: 252
ISBN: 9780999342855
Cover: Hardback
Edition Number: 1
Release Year: 2019

Dr. Titu Andreescu is an Associate Professor at the University of Texas at Dallas in the Science and Mathematics Education department.

Kathy Cordeiro, MBA, is a leading developer of education initiatives for business and academia. She founded Eudaimonia Academy, where she coached mathematics teams and worked with highly and profoundly gifted students.

Alina Andreescu, MA, is the co-founder and Operations Director of AwesomeMath and founder of XYZ Press. She fosters an international community of staff, students, and instructors that values critical thinking, creativity, passionate problem solving, and lifetime mathematical learning.

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