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Astrophysics and the Evolution of the Universe

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The aim of this book is to teach undergraduate college or university students, and adults interested in astronomy and astrophysics, the basic mathematics and physics concepts needed to understand the evolution of the universe, and based on this to teach the astrophysical theories behind evolution from the very early times to the present. The book does not require extensive knowledge of mathematics, like calculus, and includes material that explains concepts such as velocity, acceleration, and force. Based on this, fascinating topics such as Dark Matter, measuring Dark Energy via supernovae velocities, and the creation of mass via the Higgs mechanism are explained. All college students with an interest in science, especially astronomy, without extensive mathematical backgrounds, should be able to use and learn from this book. Adults interested in topics like Dark Energy, the Higgs boson, and detection of Gravitational Waves, which are in the news, can make use of this book as well.

Author: Kisslinger L S
Pages: 240
ISBN: 9789813147102
Cover: Paperback
Edition Number: 2
Release Year: 2016

Physics Concepts Needed for Astrophysics
Forces and Particles
Hubble's Law: Expansion of the Universe
Stars, Galaxies, Etc.
Neutrino Oscillations, Symmetries, and Pulsar Kicks
Einstein's Special and General Theories of Relativity
Radius and Temperature of the Universe from the General Theory of Relativity
Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation (CMBR)
Electroweak Phase Transition (EWPT)
Quantum Chromodynamic Phase Transition (QCDPT)
Gravitational Waves

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