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Autonomous Transformation: Creating a More Human Future in the Era of Artificial Intelligence

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From technologist and strategist Brian Evergreen, a bold new agenda for the role of organizational leaders in creating a more human future with technology

Social good initiatives are incompatible with the current network of systems that make up and support the private and public sectors. Millions of dollars have been invested in bringing leaders together from organizations around the world to design solutions for global challenges such as the climate crisis, child labor, racism, war, and many more. Despite executive buy-in, alignment of core capabilities and resources, passionate leadership, and well-designed strategies, these initiatives inevitably fail (with a few, notable exceptions).

The dawn of the Internet ignited a global redesign and rebuild of the interlocking systems that make up and support the private and public sectors today. The era of Digital Transformation extended this further through the adoption of cloud technologies and distributed computing.

With a recent wave of technological advancements, organizations have arrived at another global redesign and rebuilding of the network of systems that make up society: Autonomous Transformation, revealing an opportunity for leaders to create Profitable Good through systemic design in combination with emerging autonomous technologies and surprising and remarkable partnerships.

Autonomous Transformation provides a blueprint for leaders and managers who have aspired or attempted to harness artificial intelligence and its adjacent technologies for the betterment of their organization and the world, weaving strategy, business, economics, systemic design, and philosophy into four actionable steps with accompanying frameworks:

  • Clear the Digital Fog
  • See the Systems
  • Choose a Problem Future
  • Design Inevitability


Author: Evergreen Brian
Publisher: WILEY
Pages: 240
ISBN: 9781119985297
Cover: Hardback
Edition Number: 1
Release Year: 2023

Introduction: We Can Create a More Human Future

Part One: The Fundamentals

1. Reformation, Transformation, and Creation: Defining Autonomous Transformation

2. What Does It Mean to Be Human in the Era of Artificial Intelligence?

Part Two: The Art of the Impossible

3. Our Inheritance

4. Maintenance Mode

Part Three: Envision Your Future

5. Requiem for the Industrial Revolution: Rehumanizing Work

6. The Problem with Solving Problems: Introducing Future Solving

7. Developing the Skill of Envisioning

Part Four: Discover and Rediscover

8. Systemic Design and the Lost Art of Synthesis

9. The Organization as a Chessboard: Seeing the Pieces

10. The Organization as a System

11. A Broken System

Part Five: Clear the Digital Fog

12. Chaos, Noise, and Epistemology in the Era of Artificial Intelligence

13. Silicon Valley, Wall Street, and the Factory Floor

14. The Multiplication of Expertise: A Leadership Imperative

Part Six: Design for Inevitability

15. From Data-Driven to Reason-Driven

16. The Reformational Economics of Linear and Exponential Value

17. The Reformational Economics of Omission and Commission

18. The Ecosystem: Surprising and Remarkable Partnerships

Part Seven: Create a More Human Future

19. Beyond Pilot Purgatory

20. Storytelling: Leading Social Systems

21. A More Human Organization

Part Eight: Autonomous Transformation Technologies

22. Autonomous Transformation Technologies: A Leader’s Guide

23. A Deeper Dive into Artificial Intelligence


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BRIAN EVERGREEN is the founder of The Profitable Good Company, a leadership advisory company that partners with and equips leaders to create a more human future in the era of artificial intelligence. He is best known for his work advising Fortune 500 executives on artificial intelligence strategy. Building on his experiences working at Accenture, Amazon Web Services, and Microsoft, Brian guest lectures at Purdue University and the Kellogg School of Management, sharing the unconventional and innovative methods and frameworks he developed leading and advising digital transformation initiatives at many of the world’s most valuable companies.

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