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Colliding Plane Waves in General Relativity

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This monograph surveys recent research on the collision and interaction of gravitational and electromagnetic waves. "This is a particularly important topic in general relativity," the author notes, "since the theory predicts that there will be a nonlinear interaction between such waves." Geared toward graduate students and researchers in general relativity, the text offers a comprehensive and unified review of the vast literature on the subject.
The first eight chapters offer background, presenting the field equations and discussing some qualitative aspects of their solution. Subsequent chapters explore further exact solutions for colliding plane gravitational waves and the collision and interaction of electromagnetic waves. The final chapters summarize all related results for the collision of plane waves of different types and in non-flat backgrounds. A new postscript updates developments since the book's initial 1991 publication.

Author: Griffiths J.B.
Publisher: DOVER
Pages: 235
ISBN: 9780486801216
Cover: Paperback
Edition Number: 1
Release Year: 2016

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