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Early Modern Europe, 1450–1789

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Covering European history from the invention of the printing press to the French Revolution, the third edition of this best-selling textbook is thoroughly updated with new scholarship and an emphasis on environmental history, travel and migration, race and cultural blending, and the circulation of goods and knowledge. Summaries, timelines, maps, illustrations, and discussion questions illuminate the narrative and support the student. Enhanced online content and sections on sources and methodology give students the tools they need to study early modern European history. Leading historian Merry Wiesner-Hanks skillfully balances breadth and depth of coverage to create a strong narrative, paying particular attention to the global context of European developments. She integrates discussion of gender, class, regional, and ethnic differences across the entirety of Europe and its overseas colonies as well as the economic, political, religious, and cultural history of the period.

  • Fully revised to bring readers up-to-date on the latest scholarship on early modern Europe and introduce them to developing areas of study, such as environmental history
  • Features coverage of both eastern and western Europe, and places European history in a global context, to give students a holistic understanding
  • Wiesner-Hanks skilfully integrates discussion of gender, class, regional and ethnic differences with economic, political, religious and cultural history, engaging students and promoting nuanced comprehension of the period
Author: Wiesner-Hanks Merry
Pages: 594
ISBN: 9781009160803
Cover: Paperback
Edition Number: 1
Release Year: 2022

Part I:
1. Europe in the world of 1450
2. Individuals in society, 1450–1600
3. Politics and power, 1450–1600
4. Cultural and intellectual life, 1450–1600
5. Religious reform and consolidation, 1450–1600
6. Economics and the environment, 1450–1600
7. Europe in the world, 1450–1600
Part II:
8. Individuals in society, 1600–1789
9. Politics and power, 1600–1789
10. Cultural and intellectual life, 1600–1789
11. Religious consolidation and renewal, 1600–1789
12. Economics and the environment, 1600–1789
13. Europe in the world, 1600–1789

Merry E. Wiesner-Hanks is Distinguished Professor of History Emerita at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee and an experienced textbook author. Her recent books include What Is Early Modern History? (Wiley, 2021), Christianity and Sexuality in the Early Modern World (third edition, Routledge, 2020), and A Concise History of the World (Cambridge University Press, 2015).

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