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Four Great Histories

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Among the most studied, read, and admired works in world literature, Shakespeare's histories are unmatched for their dramatic brilliance, beauty of language, and profundity of thought. This convenient and affordable volume — ideal for students and lovers of literature — features four of the playwright's greatest historical works:
Henry IV, Part 1 masterfully combines comedy and historic events in fifteenth-century England while chronicling the rebellion within Henry's kingdom and portraying events in the life of the profligate young Prince Hal
Henry IV, Part II, highlighted by spectacular battles and tender love scenes, witnesses Hal's maturation and the development of his leadership abilities
Henry V explores the means by which the "ideal monarch" invades France, wins at Agincourt, and claims the French throne
Richard III follows the scheming Duke of Gloucester as he systematically exterminates all those who thwart his plans to succeed to the English throne

Author: Shakespeare William
Publisher: DOVER
Pages: 421
ISBN: 9780486446295
Cover: Paperback
Edition Number: 1
Release Year: 2006

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