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Fuzzy Geometric Programming Techniques and Applications

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This book develops the concepts of various unique optimization techniques in the crisp and fuzzy environment. It provides an extensive overview of geometric programming methods within a unifying framework, and presents an in-depth discussion of the modified geometric programming problem, fuzzy geometric programming, as well as new insights into goal geometric programming. With numerous examples and exercises together with detailed solutions for several problems, the book also addresses fuzzy multi-objective geometric programming techniques. Geometric programming, which falls into the general class of signomial problems, has applications across disciplines, from engineering to economics, and is extremely useful in applications of a variety of optimization problems. Organized into thirteen chapters, this book is a valuable resource for graduate and advanced undergraduate students and researchers in applied mathematics and engineering.

Authors: Islam Sahidul, Mandal Wasim Akram
Publisher: SPRINGER
Pages: 359
ISBN: 9789811358227
Cover: Hardback
Edition Number: 1
Release Year: 2019

Chapter 1. Introduction to Fuzzy Set Theory.- Chapter 2. Fuzzy Numbers & Fuzzy Optimization.- Chapter 3. Preliminary concepts of Geometric Programming Model.- Chapter 4. Fuzzy Unconstrained Geometric Programming Problem.- Chapter 5. Fuzzy Unconstrained Modified Geometric Programming Problem.- Chapter 6. Fuzzy Constrained Geometric Programming Problem.- Chapter 7. Fuzzy Constrained Fuzzy Modified Geometric Programming Problem.- Chapter 8. Signomial Geometric Programming Problem.- Chapter 9. Fuzzy Signomial Geometric Programming (GP) Problem.- Chapter 10. Goal Geometric Programming.- Chapter 11. Fuzzy Non-linear Programming.- Chapter 12. Geometric Programming Methods under Uncertainty.- Chapter 13. Intuitionistic & Neutrosophic Geometric Programming Problem.

SAHIDUL ISLAM is an assistant professor at the Department of Mathematics, University of Kalyani, India. He earned his PhD from the Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology, Shibpur, India. Dr Islam received the Junior Research Fellowship and Senior Research Fellowship from the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), India, in 2003 and 2005, respectively. He has published two books and over 52 papers in various reputed journals. His main research interests are information theory, fuzzy optimizations, operations research and optimization techniques. 

WASIM AKRAM MANDAL is an assistant teacher of mathematics at the Beldanga D.H. Senior Madrasah, Murshidabad, India. He obtained his PhD degree on the topic “Some inventory model approaches to decision making in fuzzy environment” and MSc degree in applied mathematics from the University of Kalyani, India. He has published three books and over 15 research articles in several respected journals. His research interests are fuzzy optimizations and operations research.   .

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