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Generative Artificial Intelligence: What Everyone Needs to Know

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"AI expert Jerry Kaplan explains how generative AI will revolutionize virtually every human activity. Highly recommended." - Francis Fukuyama, Political scientist and author of The End of History and the Last Man

Advances in Generative Artificial Intelligence (GAI) have created a new class of computer systems that exhibit astonishing proficiency on a wide variety of tasks with superhuman performance, producing novel text, images, music, and software by analyzing enormous collections of digitized information. Soon, these systems will provide expert medical care; offer legal advice; draft documents; write computer programs; tutor our children; and generate music and art. These advances will accelerate progress in science, art, and human knowledge, but they will also bring new dangers.

Have we finally discovered the holy grail of AI - machines that match or exceed human intelligence? Which industries and professions will thrive, and which will wither? What risks and dangers will it pose? How can we ensure that these systems respect our ethical principles? Will the benefits be broadly distributed or accrue to a lucky few? How will GAI alter our political systems and international conflicts? Are we merely a stepping stone to a new form of non-biological life, or are we just getting better at building useful gadgets?

Generative Artificial Intelligence: What Everyone Needs to Know® equips readers with the knowledge to answer these pressing questions.

Author: Kaplan Jerry
Pages: 240
ISBN: 9780197773543
Cover: Paperback
Edition Number: 1
Release Year: 2024

Chapter 1: The History of Artificial Intelligence
Chapter 2: Generative Artificial Intelligence (GAI)
Chapter 3: Likely Impact
Chapter 4: Future of Work
Chapter 5: Risks and Dangers
Chapter 6: Legal Status of GAIs
Chapter 7: Regulation, Public Policy, and International Competition
Chapter 8: Philosophical Issues and Implications

Jerry Kaplan, Ph.D., is widely known as an Artificial Intelligence expert, serial entrepreneur, technical innovator, educator, bestselling author, and futurist. He invented several ground-breaking technologies and has founded numerous technology startups. Currently, he is an Adjunct Lecturer at Stanford University, where he teaches on the social and economic impact of Artificial Intelligence.

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