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Greek Language, Italian Landscape: Griko and the Re-Storying of a Linguistic Minority

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Greek Language, Italian Landscape traces the transformation of language ideologies and practices of Griko, a variety of Modern Greek used in the southern Italian province of Lecce, in Apulia. Building on ethnographic and linguistic data collected in Grecìa Salentina and Greece, Manuela Pellegrino recounts the story of Griko, highlighting the effects of the interplay of language ideologies and policies promoted by the European Union, Italy, and Greece. She shows how the longstanding concern about language demise has, over time, generated social relationships and fueled moral feelings and political interests that have ultimately shaped the predicament of Griko.

Pellegrino proposes the concept of “the cultural temporality of language” to describe how locals are continually re-storying Griko by recounting its multiple pasts, converting what was once considered a “backward language” into a symbolic resource that has reentered their daily lives in multiple ways. Yet the question as to which chapter of Griko’s past best represents the language—and is best represented by it—becomes a discursive struggle for community self-understanding and representation. Griko and its cultural heritage are used to redeem the past, to contest the present, and to envision the future of this land and its people.

Author: Pellegrino Manuela
Pages: 300
ISBN: 9780674271326
Cover: Paperback
Edition Number: 1
Release Year: 2021
  • Acknowledgements
  • Notes on Orthographic Conventions and Transcription of Griko
  • Image Credits
  • Introduction
    • Defining My Place, Contextualizing Salento
    • Beyond Endangerment: Language Ideological Debates
    • Textures of Time
    • Traces of Language
  • 1. In the Land Between the Seas
    • “The Past Will Haunt Us until We Acknowledge All of It!”
    • A Diachronic Sketch: Historical Bilingualism
    • Vito Domenico Palumbo and the First Ideological Revival of Griko
    • The Legacy of Palumbo: The Philhellenic Circle of Calimera
  • 2. “The World Changed”: The Language Shift away from Griko
    • Talking about the Past
    • The Language of Shame
    • “When Everything Started Changing”: Salentine as “Conduit”
    • The Impact of Migration
    • Families’ Interactions and the Transmission of Griko
    • Intragroup Cryptolalia
    • Multiple Linguistic Repertoire
  • 3. The Reappropriation of the Past
    • Beyond Activism: Griko–Greek Encounters
    • The Middle Revival: The ’70s and ’80s
    • Beyond Griko: Cultural Associations and the Reproposal of Popular Traditions
    • Reappropriating the Past
    • The Reproposal of the Folk Music Repertoire
    • The Past on Stage: The Spectacle-ization of Popular Culture
  • 4. From the “Land of Remorse” to the “Land of Resource”
    • The ’90s: The Intensification of Contacts with Greece and the Teaching of Modern Greek Cultural Associations
    • The Union of the Municipalities of Grecìa Salentina and La Notte della Taranta
    • On the Eve of La Notte della Taranta
    • Criticizing the Revival: Does the Tarantula speak Griko?
  • 5. Debating Griko: The Current Languagescape
    • The (Non-)Standardization of Griko
    • The Limits of “Unity in Diversity”: The Teaching of Griko
    • Between the Past and the Future: Stuck in the Present
    • From Authenticity to Authority: The Older the Better?
    • Who Knows What for Whom? Power Struggles over Griko
  • 6. “Certain Things Never Change and Those Sound Better in Griko”: Living with the Language
    • The People with Two Languages
    • The Younger Generation’s Repertoire in Griko
    • The Younger Generations “Crossing”
    • The Alternative “Lives” of a “Dying Language”
    • Nostalgia and Beyond: Griko Cultural Events
    • Performing Griko, Evoking the Past
  • 7. The View from Apénandi: Greece’s Gaze on Grecìa Salentina
    • Greece: The State and Its Nation
    • Hellenism and Romanticism
    • The Greek Ministry of Education and the Teaching of Modern Greek in Southern Italy
    • When “Greeks Meet Griko”: Greek Aficionados of Griko and Cultural Associations
    • Linguistic Kinship
    • Intimate Historicities
    • In Search of Commonalities
    • Cultural Synthesis and Erasure
    • Kinship as Language
    • Aficionados of Griko as Ideology Brokers
    • Lost in Translation I
    • Lost in Translation II
    • Greek–Griko Encounters: The Living Monument of Hellenism “On Stage,” Athens, February 2008
    • Sternatia (Grecìa Salentina), October 2008
  • 8. Conclusion: Chronotopes of Re-presentation
    • The Land of the Re-bitten
  • Bibliography
  • Index

Manuela Pellegrino is a Fellow at the Center for Hellenic Studies, Harvard University. She holds a Ph.D. in Anthropology from University College London.

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