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Interrogating the Real

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Slavoj Zizek is one of the world's foremost cultural commentators: a prolific writer and thinker, whose vividly adventurous, unorthodox and wide-ranging writings have won him a unique place as one of the most high profile thinkers of our time. Covering psychoanalysis, philosophy and popular culture and drawing on a heady mix of Marxist politics, Hegelian dialectics and Lacanian psychoanalysis, the writings collected in Interrogating the Real reflect not only the remarkable extent of Zizek's varied interests, but also reveal his controversial and dynamic style.

Author: Zizek Slavoj
Pages: 408
ISBN: 9781472514936
Cover: Paperback
Edition Number: 1
Release Year: 2013

Preface, Slavoj Zizek

'The Thing Itself' Appears: Introducing the Work of SlavojZizek, Rex Butler andScott Stephens

Part One: Lacanian Orientations

1. The Societyfor Theoretical Psychoanalysis in Yugoslavia

2. Why Lacan is Hegelian

3. The Most Sublime of Hysterics: Hegel with Lacan

4. Connections of theFreudian Field to Philosophy and Popular Culture

5. Lacan between CulturalStudies and Cognitivism

Part Two: Philosophy Traversed by Psychoanalysis

6. The Limits of the Semiotic Approach to Psychoanalysis

7. A Hair of theDog That Bit You

8. Hegel, Lacan, Deleuze: Three Strange Bedfellows

9. The Eclipse of Meaning:On Lacan and Deconstruction

10. The Parallax View

Part Three: The Fantasy ofIdeology

11. Between Symbolic Fiction and Fantasmic Spectre: Towards aLacanian Theory of Ideology

12. Beyond Discourse Analysis

13. Re-visioning'Lacanian' Social Criticism: The Law and its Obscene Double

14. Why is WagnerWorth Saving?

15. The Real of Sexual Difference


Slavoj Zizek is Eminent Scholar at the Kyung Hee University, Seoul, and Professor at the Institute of Sociology, Ljubljana, Slovenia.

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