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Introduction to Infinity-Categories

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This textbook is an introduction to the theory of infinity-categories, a tool used in many aspects of modern pure mathematics. It treats the basics of the theory and supplies all the necessary details while leading the reader along a streamlined path from the basic definitions to more advanced results such as the very important adjoint functor theorems.

The book is based on lectures given by the author on the topic. While the material itself is well-known to experts, the presentation of the material is, in parts, novel and accessible to non-experts. Exercises complement this textbook that can be used both in a classroom setting at the graduate level and as an introductory text for the interested reader.

Author: Land Markus
Pages: 296
ISBN: 9783030615239
Cover: -
Edition Number: 1
Release Year: 2021

Preface.- Categories, simplicial sets, and in nity-categories.- Joyal's theorem, applications, and Dwyer-Kan localizations.- (Co)Cartesian brations and the construction of functors.- Limits and Colimits.- Adjunctions and adjoint functor theorems.- Exercises.

Markus Land is a lecturer at the University of Regensburg and a guest researcher at the University of Copenhagen in the academic year 2019/2020.

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