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Mathematics and Its History: A Concise Edition

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This textbook provides a unified and concise exploration of undergraduate mathematics by approaching the subject through its history. Readers will discover the rich tapestry of ideas behind familiar topics from the undergraduate curriculum, such as calculus, algebra, topology, and more. Featuring historical episodes ranging from the Ancient Greeks to Fermat and Descartes, this volume offers a glimpse into the broader context in which these ideas developed, revealing unexpected connections that make this ideal for a senior capstone course.

The presentation of previous versions has been refined by omitting the less mainstream topics and inserting new connecting material, allowing instructors to cover the book in a one-semester course. This condensed edition prioritizes succinctness and cohesiveness, and there is a greater emphasis on visual clarity, featuring full color images and high quality 3D models. As in previous editions, a wide array of mathematical topics are covered, from geometry to computation; however, biographical sketches have been omitted.


Mathematics and Its History: A Concise Edition is an essential resource for courses or reading programs on the history of mathematics. Knowledge of basic calculus, algebra, geometry, topology, and set theory is assumed.

Author: Stillwell John
Publisher: SPRINGER
Pages: 400
ISBN: 9783030551926
Cover: Hardback
Edition Number: 1
Release Year: 2020

1. The Theorem of Pythagoras.- 2. Greek Geometry.- 3. Greek Number Theory.- 4. Infinity in Greek Mathematics.- 5. Polynomial Equations.- 6. Algebraic Geometry.- 7. Projective Geometry.- 8. Calculus.- 9. Infinite Series.- 10. Elliptic Curves and Functions.- 11. Complex Numbers and Curves.- 12. Complex Numbers and Functions.- 13. Non-Euclidean Geometries.- 14. Group Theory.- 15. Topology.- 16. Commutative Algebra.- 17. Sets, Logic, and Computation.- Bibliography.- Index.

John Stillwell, University of San Francisco

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