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Oxford Illustrated History of Science

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The Oxford Illustrated History of Science is the first ever fully illustrated global history of science, from Aristotle to the atom bomb - and beyond.

The first part of the book tells the story of science in both East and West from antiquity to the Enlightenment: from the ancient Mediterranean world to ancient China; from the exchanges between Islamic and Christian scholars in the Middle Ages to the Chinese invention of gunpowder, paper, and the printing press; from the Scientific Revolution of sixteenth and seventeenth century Europe to the intellectual ferment of the eighteenth century.

The chapters that follow focus on the increasingly specialized story of science since end of the eighteenth century, covering experimental science in the laboratory from Michael Faraday to CERN; the exploration of nature, from intrepid Victorian explorers to twentieth century primatologists; the mapping of the universe, from the discovery of Uranus to Big Bang theory; the impact of evolutionary ideas, from Lamarck, Darwin, and Wallace to DNA; and the story of theoretical physics, from James Clark Maxwell to Quantum Theory and beyond. A concluding chapter reflects on how scientists have communicated their work to a wider public, from the Great Exhibition of 1851 to the internet in the early twenty-first century.

Author: Morus Iwan Rhys
Pages: 436
ISBN: 9780199663279
Cover: Hardback
Edition Number: 1
Release Year: 2017

Introduction, Iwan Rhys Morus
1: Science in the Ancient Mediterranean World, James Evans
2: Science in Ancient China, Donald Harper
3: Medieval Science in the West and Middle East, Sonja Brentjes
4: Science in the Medieval East, Dagmar Schaefer
5: The Scientific Revolution, John Henry
6: Enlightenment Science, Jan Golinski
7: Experimental Cultures, Iwan Rhys Morus
8: Exploring Nature, Amanda Rees
9: Mapping the Universe, Robert Smith
10: The Meaning of Life, Peter Bowler
11: Theoretical Visions, Matthew Stanley
12: Communicating Nature, Charlotte Sleigh
Further Reading

Iwan Rhys Morus is a professor of history at Aberystwyth University. He is the author, most recently, of William Robert Grove: Victorian Gentleman of Science (University of Wales Press, 2017) and the editor of the Oxford Illustrated History of Science (OUP, 2017).

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