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Risk and Reason: Safety, Law, and the Environment

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What should be done about airplane safety and terrorism, global warming, polluted water, nuclear power, and genetically engineered food? All over the globe, risks to safety, health, and the environment are a subject of intense interest. Too much of the time we fear the wrong things. Sometimes we make the situation even worse. Rather than investigating the facts, we respond to temporary fears. The result is a situation of hysteria and neglect - and unnecessary illness and death. Risk and Reason explains the sources of these problems and explores what can be done about them. It shows how individual thinking and social interactions lead us in foolish directions. Offering sound proposals for social reform, it explains how a more sensible system of risk regulation, embodied in the idea of a 'cost-benefit state', could save many thousands of lives and many billions of dollars too - and protect the environment in the process.

.General introduction to the problem of risk and how people and societies deal badly with it
.Guide to how nations can do much better in controlling risks
.Guide to the idea of cost-benefit analysis, with many concrete illustrations (eg clean air act)

Author: Sunstein Cass
Pages: 342
ISBN: 9780521016254
Cover: Paperback
Edition Number: 1
Release Year: 2010

1. Beyond 1970s environmentalism
2. Thinking about risks
3. Are the experts wrong?
4. This month's risk (with Timur Kuran)
5. Reducing risks rationally
6. Health-health tradeoffs
7. The arithmetic of arsenic
8. Of courts and law: cost-benefit default principles
9. Cleaning the air
10. Tools.

Cass R. Sunstein is Robert Walmsley University Professor at Harvard Law School and Chair of a WHO advisory group on behavioral science and health. He was Administrator of the White House Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs in the Obama administration. He is the author of The Cost-Benefit Revolution, How Change Happens, Too Much Information (all three published by the MIT Press), Nudge (with Richard H. Thaler), and other books.

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