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Special Relativity

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This Element presents the philosophy of special relativity, from the foundations of the theory in Newtonian mechanics, through its birth out of the ashes of nineteenth-century ether theory, through the various conceptual paradoxes which the theory presents, and finally arriving at some of its connections with Einstein's later theory of general relativity. It illustrates concepts such as inertial frames, force-free motion, dynamical versus geometrical understandings of physics, the standard hierarchy of classical spacetimes, and symmetries of a physical theory; it also discusses specific topics in the foundations of special relativity such as Einstein's 1905 derivation of the Lorentz transformations, the conventionality of simultaneity, the status of frame-dependent effects, and the twin paradox.

Author: Read James
Pages: 75
ISBN: 9781009300612
Cover: Paperback
Edition Number: 1
Release Year: 2023

Newton's laws
Symmetries and invariance
The Michelson-Morley experiment
Einstein's 1905 derivation spacetime structure
General covariance
Dynamical and geometrical approaches
The conventionality of simultaneity
Frame-dependent effects
The twin paradox

James ReadUniversity of Oxford

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