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The Carnation Revolution: The Day Portugal's Dictatorship Fell

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25 April 1974, Lisbon. Over the course of a single day, Europe’s oldest fascist regime falls. On its 50th anniversary, this is the story of the revolution that changed Portugal forever.


The Carnation Revolution reads like a political thriller.’ The Times


On the night of 24 April 1974, at five minutes to eleven, a Lisbon radio station broadcasts Portugal’s Eurovision entry. By 6.20 p.m. the next day, Europe’s oldest fascist regime has fallen. Hardly a shot has been fired. As citizens pour into the streets, they offer carnations to the revolutionary soldiers. For the first time in forty-eight years, Portugal is free.


The Carnation Revolution winds through the streets of Lisbon as the revolution unfolds, revealing the myriad acts of ordinary and extraordinary resistance that made 25 April possible. It’s the story of daring escapes from five-storey prisons, soldiers disobeying their officers’ orders and simple acts of courage by thousands of citizens. It’s the story of how a group of young captains felled a globe-spanning empire.

Author: Fernandes Alex
Pages: 400
ISBN: 9780861547548
Cover: Hardback
Edition Number: 1
Release Year: 2024

Alex Fernandes is a Portuguese writer who has been a long-time researcher of the 1974 revolution. In 2021, he led a walking tour through Lisbon across the key sites, giving him the inspiration for this book. He lives in London and works as a lighting designer in contemporary performance.

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