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The Human Mind: A Brief Tour of Everything We Know

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Are you a human? Do you have a mind? Then this book is for you: a wonderfully entertaining overview of all of psychology by one of its greatest experts.

'Like having the mind's complexities untangled by a witty, eloquent and deeply knowledgeable friend' OLIVER BURKEMAN
'Really wonderful, hugely readable' DERREN BROWN
‘This book is a gem’ ROBERT SAPOLSKY

Nothing is more familiar and yet less understood than the human mind. It defines the experience of being human, and yet its workings contain some of the deepest mysteries ever encountered. Written by one of the world's greatest teachers of psychology, The Human Mind provides a masterful and riveting guide to all that we have learned since modern science began probing those mysteries. It will illuminate everything you think and feel, everything you say and do, everything that makes you you.

‘I don't remember the last time I was this excited about a psychology-related book. The Human Mind is everything a reader wants [and] will delight you’ DR SOPHIE MORT (AKA DR SOPH)

‘An up-to-the-minute [and] comprehensive journey through what it means to be human’ New Scientist

‘The story of the human mind as told by psychology's best storyteller ... fantastic’ DANIEL GILBERT, author of Stumbling on Happiness

‘Perhaps the wittiest, most captivating overview of the field of psychology to date’ JENNIFER SENIOR, author of All Joy and No Fun

Author: Bloom Paul
Publisher: VINTAGE
Pages: 464
ISBN: 9781529925470
Cover: Paperback
Edition Number: 1
Release Year: 2024

Paul Bloom is Professor of Psychology at Yale University. He is an internationally recognised expert on the psychology of language, social reasoning, morality and art. His previous books include Just Babies and How Pleasure Works, and he has written for numerous publications, including the New York Times, New Yorker and the Guardian. Bloom has won several awards for his research, articles and teaching, and his ‘Introduction to Psychology’ class was one of seven selected by Yale to be made available worldwide. His TED talks have been viewed 2.8 million times.

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