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The Large Scale Structure of Space-Time (50th Anniversary Edition)

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First published in 1973, this influential work discusses Einstein's General Theory of Relativity to show how two of its predictions arise: first, that the ultimate fate of many massive stars is to undergo gravitational collapse to form 'black holes'; and second, that there was a singularity in the past at the beginning of the universe. Starting with a precise formulation of the theory, including the necessary differential geometry, the authors discuss the significance of space-time curvature and examine the properties of a number of exact solutions of Einstein's field equations. They develop the theory of the causal structure of a general space-time, and use it to prove a number of theorems establishing the inevitability of singularities under certain conditions. A Foreword contributed by Abhay Ashtekar and a new Preface from George Ellis help put the volume into context of the developments in the field over the past fifty years.

  • A seminal volume on General Relativity from Stephen Hawking and George Ellis, written early in their scientific careers: this was Hawking's first published book
  • One of the first explorations of singularities, places where space-time begins or ends, and the known laws of physics break down
  • Includes a specially commissioned Foreword written by Abhay Ashtekar and a new Preface by George Ellis
Authors: Hawking Stephen, Ellis George
Pages: 410
ISBN: 9781009253154
Cover: Hardback
Edition Number: 1
Release Year: 2023

Foreword to the Anniversary Edition Abhay Ashtekar
Preface to the Anniversary Edition George F. R. Ellis
1. The role of gravity
2. Differential geometry
3. General relativity
4. The physical significance of curvature
5. Exact solutions
6. Causal structure
7. The Cauchy problem in General Relativity
8. Space-time singularities
9. Gravitational collapse and black holes
10. The initial singularity in the universe

STEPHEN HAWKING was a brilliant theoretical physicist and is generally considered to have been one of the world’s greatest thinkers. He held the position of Lucasian Professor of Mathematics at the University of C ambridge for thirty years and is the author of A Brief History of Time which was an international bestseller. His other books for the general reader include A Briefer History of Time, the essay collection Black Holes and Baby Universes, The Universe in a Nutshell, The Grand Design and Black Holes: The BBC Reith Lectures. He died on 14 March, 2018.

George F. R. Ellis is the emeritus distinguished professor of complex systems in the Department of Mathematics and Applied Mathematics at the University of Cape Town, South Africa. He is considered one of the world's leading theorists in cosmology and, in recent years, he has been prolific in areas relating to the philosophy of science. He is author or co-author of more than a dozen books, including Relativistic Cosmology (with Roy Maartens and Malcolm MacCallum, 2012).

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