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Algebra - Page 2

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Quantum Groups and Noncommutative Geometry
This textbook presents the second edition of Manin's celebrated 1988 Montreal lectures, which influe...
€63.60 -50%
Real Algebraic Varieties
This book gives a systematic presentation of real algebraic varieties. Real algebraic varieties are...
Periods and Nori Motives
This book casts the theory of periods of algebraic varieties in the natural setting of Madhav Nori’s...
General Galois Geometries
This book is the second edition of the third and last volume of a treatise on projective spaces over...
€116.60 -50%
Structure and Geometry of Lie Groups
This text is designed as an introduction to Lie groups and their actions on manifolds, one that is a...
Cubic Fields with Geometry
The objective of this book is to provide tools for solving problems which involve cubic number field...
€127.20 -50%
Topics in Galois Fields
This monograph provides a self-contained presentation of the foundations of finite fields, including...
Learning MATLAB: A Problem Solving Approach
This comprehensive and stimulating introduction to Matlab, a computer language now widely used for t...
Rings, Modules, and Closure Operations
This book presents a systematic exposition of the various applications of closure operations in comm...
€74.20 -50%
Introduction to Soergel Bimodules
This book provides a comprehensive introduction to Soergel bimodules. First introduced by Wolfgang S...
Lattices and Codes: A Course Partially Based on Lectures by Friedrich Hirzebruch
The purpose of coding theory is the design of efficient systems for the transmission of information....
Automorphic Forms
Automorphic forms are an important complex analytic tool in number theory and modern arithmetic geom...
(Mostly) Commutative Algebra
This book stems from lectures on commutative algebra for 4th-year university students at two French...
€53.00 -50%
On Characters of Finite Groups
This book explores the classical and beautiful character theory of finite groups. It does it by usin...
€47.70 -49%
Topologie algebrique: Chapitres 1 a 4
Ce livre des Éléments de mathématique est consacré à la Topologie algébrique. Les quatre premiers ch...
€47.70 -49%


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