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The Discrete Mathematical Charms of Paul Erdos: A Simple Introduction

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Paul Erdős published more papers during his lifetime than any other mathematician, especially in discrete mathematics. He had a nose for beautiful, simply-stated problems with solutions that have far-reaching consequences across mathematics. This captivating book, written for students, provides an easy-to-understand introduction to discrete mathematics by presenting questions that intrigued Erdős, along with his brilliant ways of working toward their answers. It includes young Erdős's proof of Bertrand's postulate, the Erdős-Szekeres Happy End Theorem, De Bruijn-Erdős theorem, Erdős-Rado delta-systems, Erdős-Ko-Rado theorem, Erdős-Stone theorem, the Erdős-Rényi-Sós Friendship Theorem, Erdős-Rényi random graphs, the Chvátal-Erdős theorem on Hamilton cycles, and other results of Erdős, as well as results related to his work, such as Ramsey's theorem or Deza's theorem on weak delta-systems. Its appendix covers topics normally missing from introductory courses. Filled with personal anecdotes about Erdős, this book offers a behind-the-scenes look at interactions with the legendary collaborator.

  • Introduces students to foundational results in discrete mathematics and many key theorems posited by Erdős and colleagues
  • Presents different proofs of a single theorem to show the reader a view of mathematics as an unfolding adventure rather than an ossified discipline
  • Classroom-tested expanded lecture notes accessible to university students at all levels, including contestants in mathematical olympiads
  • Includes up-to-date references to latest breakthrough results in the field
  • 64 figures, including rare archival material and never before published photographs from George Csicsery's film N Is a Number.
Author: Chvatal Vasek
Pages: 266
ISBN: 9781108927406
Cover: Paperback
Edition Number: 1
Release Year: 2021

1. A glorious beginning – Bertrand's postulate
2. Discrete geometry and spinoffs
3. Ramsey's theorem
4. Delta-systems
5. Extremal set theory
6. Van der Waerden's theorem
7. Extremal graph theory
8. The friendship theorem
9. Chromatic number
10. Thresholds of graph properties
11. Hamilton cycles
Appendix A. A few tricks of the trade
Appendix B. Definitions, terminology, notation
Appendix C. More on Erdős

Vašek Chvátal is Professor Emeritus of Concordia University, where he served as Canada Research Chair in Combinatorial Optimization (2004–2011) and Canada Research Chair in Discrete Mathematics from 2011 to his retirement in 2014. He is the author of Linear Programming (1983) and co-author of The Traveling Salesman Problem: A Computational Study (2007). In the 1970s, he wrote three joint papers with Paul Erdős. He is a recipient of the CSGSS Award for Excellence in Teaching, Rutgers University (1992, 1993, 2001) and co-recipient of the Beale-Orchard-Hays Prize (2000), Frederick W. Lanchester Prize (2007), and John von Neumann Theory Prize (2015).

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