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Castrucci Emanuele

Emanuele Castrucci is Professor of Philosophy of Law at the University of Siena. He taught previously at the Universities of Florence and Genoa. His studies mainly concern the domain of the history of legal and political ideas, which include such areas as the sources and forms of modern European legal thought, the reconstruction of the legal theory of the early 20th century German State and the theological roots of the cultural tradition of Western civilization. He has contributed to the diffusion in Italy of the thought of Carl Schmitt, editing the Italian edition of Der Nomos der Erde im Volkerrecht des Jus publicum Europaeum (1991).

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On the Idea of Potency: Juridical and Theological Roots of the Western Cultural Tradition
A critique of the metaphysical concept of power and potency in the history of Western jurisprudenceS...


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