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Cholbi Michael

Michael Cholbi is Professor of Philosophy at California State Polytechnic University, Pomona. He is the author of Suicide: The Philosophical Dimensions (2011), as well as the editor of New Directions in the Ethics of Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia (2015) and Immortality and the Philosophy of Death (2015).

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Grief: A Philosophical Guide
Experiencing grief at the death of a person we love or who matters to us—as universal as it is painf...
€19.80 -10%
Grief: A Philosophical Guide
Experiencing grief at the death of a person we love or who matters to us—as universal as it is painf...
€29.20 -10%
Understanding Kant's Ethics
Kant's ethical thought remains one of the most influential, yet notoriously challenging, systems in...
€25.80 -10%


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