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Close Frank

Frank Close is Professor Emeritus of Theoretical Physics at Oxford University and Fellow Emeritus in Physics at Exeter College, Oxford. He was formerly Head of the Theoretical Physics Division at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory at Harwell, vice president of the British Association for Advancement of Science and Head of Communications and Public Education at CERN. He was awarded the Kelvin Medal of the Institute of Physics for his 'outstanding contributions to the public understanding of physics' in 1996, an OBE for 'services to research and the public understanding of science' in 2000, and the Royal Society Michael Faraday Prize for communicating science in 2013. As a young man he worked with Rudolf Peierls, in circumstances he describes in this book.

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Charge: Why Does Gravity Rule?
Frank Close delves into fundamental particles and forces to find clues to a deep unsolved mystery of...
€23.80 -10%
Particle Physics: A Very Short Introduction
Following the discovery of the Higgs boson, Frank Close has produced this major revision to his clas...
Elusive: How Peter Higgs Solved the Mystery of Mass
The story of the Higgs boson - the so-called 'God particle' - and the man who thought of itIn the su...
€18.20 -10%
Trinity: The Treachery and Pursuit of the Most Dangerous Spy in History
'Everything about this story is astounding' Bryan Appleyard, Sunday Times"Trinity" was the codename...
€18.80 -10%
Eclipses: What Everyone Needs to Know
"Have you ever seen a total solar eclipse?" If the question caused you to search your memory, the co...
€16.00 -10%
Nothing: A Very Short Introduction
What is 'nothing'? What remains when you take all the matter away? Can empty space - a void - exist?...
Antimatter explores a strange mirror world, where particles have identical yet opposite properties t...
€12.60 -10%
Nuclear Physics: A Very Short Introduction
Nuclear physics began long before the identification of fundamental particles, with J. J. Thomson's...


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