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Dabiri Emma

Emma Dabiri is an Irish-Nigerian academic,author and broadcaster. She spent over a decade as a teaching fellow in the African department at SOAS. She is a final year Visual Sociology PhD researcher at Goldsmiths, and author of the Sunday Times bestseller What White People Can Do Next and Don't Touch My Hair. In 2023 she was appointed as a Fellow of the Royal Society of Literature. She has presented several television and radio programmes including BBC Radio 4's critically-acclaimed documentaries Journeys into Afro-futurism and Britain's Lost Masterpieces, as well as BBC 2's Back in Time for Brixton and the Cannes Silver Lion award-winning Hair Power for Channel 4. She is a Contributing Editor at Elle and runs the Instagram account, Disobedient Bodies.

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Disobedient Bodies: Reclaim Your Unruly Beauty
An act of rebellion and a reclamation of beauty An unmissable, radical essay from Emma Dabiri, be...
€10.70 -10%


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