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Gerges Fawaz A

Fawaz A. Gerges is professor of international relations and Emirates Chair in Contemporary Middle East Studies at the London School of Economics and Political Science. He is the author of several acclaimed books, including ISIS: A History (Princeton), The New Middle East, and The Far Enemy.

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4 products
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What Really Went Wrong: The West and the Failure of Democracy in the Middle East
An ambitious revisionist history of the modern Middle East What Really Went Wrong offers a fresh and...
€26.80 -10%
Isis: A History ( New Edition)
The Islamic State stunned the world with its savagery, destructiveness, and military and recruiting...
€19.80 -10%
Making the Arab World : Nasser , Qutb and the Clash That Shapped the Middle East [CLONE]
How the conflict between political Islamists and secular-leaning nationalists has shaped the history...
€24.50 -10%
Making the Arab World : Nasser , Qutb and the Clash That Shapped the Middle East
How the conflict between political Islamists and secular-leaning nationalists has shaped the history...
€33.20 -10%


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