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Getzen Thomas

Thomas E. Getzen is Professor Emeritus of Risk, Insurance, and Health Management at Temple University. Founder of iHEA-International Health Economics Association and its executive director for 22 years, he was instrumental in the formation of AfHEA-African Health Economics Association, ASHEcon-American Health Economics Association, and EUHEA - European Health Economics Association. His textbook Health Economics & Financing is now in its 6th edition and used at universities around the world. Formerly Editor-in-Chief for HEN-Health Economics Network at SSRN, associate editor for Health Economics, and a member of the Institute of Medicine committee for the future of public health, Professor Getzen currently produces the Model of Long Run Medical Cost Trends each year for the Society of Actuaries.

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Money and Medicine: The Evolution of National Health Expenditures
A unique historical review that traces health spending from ancient times to the present and forecas...
€36.40 -10%


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