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Gros Frederic

Frédéric Gros is a Professor of Philosophy at the University of Paris XII and the Institute of Political Studies, Paris. He was the editor of the last lectures of Michel Foucault at the Collège de France. He has written books on psychiatry, law, and war as well as the best-selling Philosophy of Walking. He lives in Paris.
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4 products
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Disobey!: A Philiosophy of Resistance
Following his best-selling A Philosophy of Walking Gros explores the philosophy of disobedience...
€14.00 -10%
Disobey!: A Philiosophy of Resistance
Following his best-selling A Philosophy of Walking Gros explores the philosophy of disobedienceThe w...
€21.00 -10%
The Security Principle: From Serenity to Regulation
The idea of security—from ancient Greece to the War on TerrorIn The Security Principle, French philo...
A Philosophy of Walking
In A Philosophy of Walking, a bestseller in France, leading thinker Fr?d?ric Gros charts the many di...
€16.40 -10%


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