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Harl Kenneth

Kenneth W. Harl is one of the world's foremost experts on Steppes civilisations, Roman history and numismatics, and has written extensively on Greek, Roman, Byzantine and Viking culture. Until his retirement in 2022, he was Professor of Classical and Byzantine History at Tulane University. Empires of the Steppes is his first trade book.

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Empires of the Steppes: The Nomadic Tribes Who Shaped Civilisation
An epic history of how the so-called 'barbarians of the steppes' shaped the modern world.'A rollerco...
€23.80 -10%
Empires of the Steppes: The Nomadic Tribes Who Shaped Civilisation
An epic history of how the so-called 'barbarians of the steppes' shaped the modern world.'A rollerco...
€41.90 -10%


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