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Hepburn Emma

Dr Emma Hepburn is a clinical psychologist and neuropsychologist with over 15 years experience of working with and treating mental health difficulties in both the public and private sector. She is also a university lecturer. She is passionate about bringing psychology and evidence-based mental health information beyond the clinic room to a wider audience and encouraging people to proactively look after their mental health. Her illustrative work has been used by a number of organisations including The American Association for the Prevention of Suicide, The Royal Society of Public Health and the Samaritans (India). She writes as @thepsychologymum on Instagram (30k followers) and has recently won a Bronze Lovie (Best of European Internet) award, as well as a Peoples’ Choice Lovie, for her social media work and has been shortlisted for the mind Media Awards.

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A Toolkit for Your Emotions: 45 ways to feel better
In A Toolkit for Your Emotions, Emma takes a deep dive into how we feel and explains all the tools y...
€20.00 -10%


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